



The 2019 International Fintech Symposium will be held at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics (SWUFE) in Chengdu, China on November 1-3, 2019, presented in partnership with the Consortium for Data Analysis in Risk (CDAR), Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Chengdu Municipal Financial Regulatory Bureau and State Street Corporation. 

In the context of China’s financial market opening, the 2019 conference will bring together academic and industry cross-cutting experts in finance and technology with government and regulatory leaders to discuss topics including financial technology risk, credit risk, China's asset management risk and impact of environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing. Invited speakers includes Lars Peter Hansen, the 2013 Nobel laureate in Economics, Joel Sobel, Fellow of the Econometric Society, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and former editor-in-chief of Journal of Econometrics.

SWUFE is one of the leading universities for the study of Finance and Economics in China, and joined the Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk (CDAR) as a founding member in 2015. The Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk (CDAR) supports research in innovation in data science and its applications to portfolio management and investment risk. Based in the Economics and Statistics Departments at UC Berkeley, CDAR was co-founded with State Street, Stanford, Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS), and SWUFE. In 2018, SWUFE established the Fintech International Center (FIC) with State Street and University of California, Berkeley to provide an international research platform for global finance and technology researchers and industry professionals.



Professor Lars Peter Hansen is the David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor in economics at the University of Chicago. He is a leading expert in economic dynamics who works at the forefront of economic thinking and modeling, drawing approaches from macroeconomics, finance, and statistics. He is a recipient of the 2013 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel.

Professor Hansen has made fundamental advances in our understanding of how economic agents cope with changing and risky environments. He has contributed to the development of statistical methods designed to explore the interconnections between macroeconomic indicators and assets in financial markets. These methods are widely used in empirical research in financial economics today.


由国际风险数据分析联盟(Consortium for Data Analytics in Risk,简称CDAR)、西南财经大学、成都市地方金融监管管理局与美国道富银行联合主办的“第二届国际金融科技论坛 - SWUFE & CDAR”于北京时间 2019年11月1日至3日在西南财经大学隆重召开。

“国际金融科技论坛 - SWUFE & CDAR”是在成都市举行的国际性金融科技年度盛会。2019年年度论坛立足于 中国金融市场开放的大背景之下,将邀请学术和行业跨领域专家,与政府和监管机构领导人,共同探讨金融科 技在风险管理领域中的创新与应用,信用风险及中国资产管理风险,金融科技快速发展带来的潜在风险,以及 环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)投资策略等兼具深度与热度的焦点话题。论坛特邀嘉宾包括2013年诺贝尔经济 学奖获得者Lars Peter Hansen,美国计量经济学会院士、美国艺术与科学学院院,《计量经济学杂志》 (Econometrics)前主编Joel Sobel等。

西南财经大学作为主办单位之一,是中国首屈一指的财经高校,以经济学、管理学为主体、金融学为重点的全 国重点大学,被誉为“中国金融人才库”。为推进西南财经大学“双一流”建设,深度促进与世界一流金融科 技资源接轨,西南财经大学于2015年以创始成员的身份加入了国际风险数据分析联盟(CDAR),并与美国道 富银行、斯坦福大学、加州大学伯克利分校共同组建了金融科技国际联合实验室(FIC)。国际风险数据分析联 盟(CDAR)是以加州大学伯克利分校经济系和统计系为基地,与美国道富银行、斯坦福大学、伯克利数据科学 研究所以及西南财经大学共同建立的高水平国际科研合作平台。FIC作为金融科技的先驱者,凝聚了国内外知名 高校科研力量与企业智慧,以架构学界与业界的连接枢纽作为宗旨,基于金融科技创新理念与传统金融领域的 深厚积累,针对金融市场热点、重点、难点问题展开相关的研究。



拉尔斯·彼得·汉森(Lars Peter Hansen)

著名宏观经济学家、芝加哥经济学派代表人物之一、芝加哥大学经济和社会科学资深 讲座教授(David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor),专注于金融和实 体经济部门之间的联系研究。主要学术贡献在于发现了在经济和金融研究中极为重要 的广义矩方法,利用稳定控制理论和递归经济学理论研究风险在定价和决策中的作用。 在2013年与另一位芝加哥大学教授、芝加哥经济学派代表人物之一尤金·法玛 (Eugene F. Fama)和罗伯特·希勒(Robert J. Shiller)一同获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。