Teams composed of globally renowned universities, each led by a tutor or post-doc and must be composed of a mixture of male and female students, as well as undergraduates and graduate students. Members within each team must come from the same academic institution, with a maximum of six individuals. Teams are tasked with completing their projects within 80 hours, utilizing servers and resources provided on the cloud platform. Final submissions must include code and a presentation PPT, and each team must work independently throughout the competition. During the showcase, teams present a 15-minute pitch in a random order, followed by evaluations by a panel of experts from academia and industry based on coding, functionality, and innovation criteria. Further details and system configurations will be shared with participating teams.
大赛由全球顶尖高校组队参加,每支队伍由一名老师或博士后带队。每个团队的成员应来自同一学术机构,人数不超过 6 名,且须由男生、女生以及本科生和研究生混合组成。比赛要求团队根据给定的题目在80小时内利用云平台提供的服务器和资源来完成项目开发,最后团队要在相应时间内提交项目成果,包括代码和演示PPT。每个团队在比赛期间均应独立完成任务。展示环节中,参赛团队将按照随机顺序上台进行15分钟的路演。随后后,由来自学术界和行业的专业人士组成的评审团,根据一系列编码、功能和创新的标准对项目进行评估,最终宣布获奖者。比赛的进一步细节和系统配置将与各团队共享。